Writers' Group
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Nancy Schroeder-Warner from Palo Alto initiated a writers' group, and Edith Friesen from Winnipeg quickly joined the effort.  Not sure that I should dignify what I publish as writing, I do not immediately join.  When I do go, I find it exciting to hear fellow passengers share their work.

edith friesen
Edith read a description of her story of getting her mother's story and tells that story in the same process.  It is published in a new Canadian Mennonite literary magazine.

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Tim Kennel received this trip as a scholarship for winning a writing competition.  He reads some poetry written en route.

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I have long been enthralled by a passage that I reprinted in my family history book.   I shared it with Carol Siemens, and later was very pleased to be able to read it to the group.  Helen Pauls, left, moderated this  evening.
In my "Family's Mennonite History", the essay appears in the chapter about Heinrich Neufeld.