Neukirch, Molotschna
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Neukirch was the birthplace of Great-great grandfather Peter P. Warkentin.  He married and moved to Crimea, and his father, Peter Warkentin, moved years later to Sagrodowka Colony, to the west.

Thresher benchThe Mennonites of the 19th century threshed wheat by pulling the threshing stone over piles of wheat to loosen the grain from the head.   By the turn of the century, this practice had largely been supplanted by threshing machines.

The threshing stones in this picture form the basis of a fine bench, and who knows, the stones could very well go back to 3-Great grandfather Peter's day.

Neukirch-StreetWe gaze down the street of Neukirch, now Udarnik. Geese wander where Mennonite wagons once plied the road.

I'd like to try the Neukirch thresher-bench myself, imagining it to be Warkentin threshing stones.