Ohrloff Church
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The first church building in Molotschna was begun in Ohrloff in 1809.  Although it was often modified and enlarged, this is that first building.  Until recently, it housed a mental institution.
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Ohrloff-window-L.jpg (25882 bytes)Compared with later churches, the simpler design of this window places it in the 19th century.

Great-great grandparents Kornelius and Katharina Thiessen Harms were married in the Kleine Gemeinde Church.  Later, however, they became part of the Ohrloff congregation through the last three decades of the 19th century.  Kornelius' father, Isaak, came to Jansen, Nebraska, in 1874, and his son, Peter T. of Rückenau, came to Henderson, Nebraska in 1892.  Kornelius only came to the U.S. in 1905, citing the unsettledness they felt after the attempted revolution.